Monday, 28 October 2013

Stoney Creek, here we come!

We've just received  small grant that will allow us to temporarily expand our focus and begin water monitoring in the Stoney Creek watershed! Specifically, we'll be working within Warden Park, located just east of Eastgate Mall in the Riverdale community.

Thus, we officially call all interested pipewatchers! 

If you're available, we welcome you to attend one of two workshops we'll be delivering this month. Here we'll be talking about the Pipewatch program, what we found in the Red Hill Creek watershed, what we expect to be in the Stoney Creek watershed, and how to monitor outfalls within the area. As with our past workshops, these will be walk and talks along the creek - so be sure to wear appropriate footwear and dress for the weather!

Have a group interested in pipewatching? Contact us about arranging a free private workshop at a time/date of your choice.